What's Stopping You?
A great question to ponder as you look at all you have done and all you dream of doing.
I have found...That I can be my worst enemy,
fears, worries, doughts, and bad self-talk
All these thoughts can seem so real if I give them a toe hold, then a foothold (especially at 3 am).
So What If Freedom Becomes A Theme Of Our Thinking?
Using our outside or inside voice whenever the worries, fears, doughts, and bad self-talk and say...
I have the freedom to be Fearless!
I have the freedom to be Confident!
I have the freedom to Believe In Myself!
Taking the reins of your thoughts is a process and a neverending awareness
Do Not Give Up!
You are good enough!
Smart enough and people love you!
A good practice: read 10 pages a day of inspiring words, that build up your faith in yourself.