5 Tips To Help You Have An Amazing Senior Photo Session:
Girls Tips: Boys Tips
1. Makeup: stay away from to much sparkle in the 1. Be Relaxed this well be fun!
face make-up. Light really grabs the speckles of glimmer. Take an hour to think about what you want to say about you.
2. Dresses are great but be aware of your under garments 2. Bring props (Your car, truck can be your prop also)
and posing.Also how transparent the dress maybe to those where do you want to have your photos taken?
undergarments. 3. Wear clothing that is comfortable and tells who you are.
3. Prepare before the photo session. Nails done the day Sports attire and props, musical instruments (also for the girls)
of photo session is ok. Hair color and cut about 10 days before. 4. Be well groomed the camera catches everything
4. Prepare your props and bring them the day of your photo session! 5. We will make photos that you will be proud of and your parents love!
5. Watch out for those tan lines and the outfits you wish to wear.
This is your photo session take time to think about what you want to say
and how you want to say it.
Open Lens by Pamela