Orange and Red
Lively and Uplifting colors
What these colors express to others can be a great tool to help telling your story!
Adding a pop of color to your outfit, logo, marketing or your website can speak the loudest or the softest.
The intensity, saturation and where the pop of color is placed creates a reaction to your viewer.
Color makes a difference in what you say and how you are saying it and how it is received.
Knowing what you want to say in photos with the use of color (even black and white) helps your viewer gain wisdom, trust in who you are and what you are saying and how loud or soft you are speaking. These tools can also make you or break you if you use them in the wrong combinations!
Here are some photos and words that express Orange and Red.
Meaning And Feeling of....
Ambitious, Courageous, Determined, Devoted, Emotional, Energetic, Passionate, Powerful, Strong, Successful, Triumphant
Meaning and feeling
Assured, Charismatic, Competent, Creative, Enthused, Extravagant, Flexible, Happy, Independent, Productive, Warm, Wise...
Pamela Dunn-Parrish
Open Lens by Pamela