Stones Of Remembrance
Making You Unforgettable
Anxieties Getting The Best Of You?!
Lack Of Confidence?!
Wondering Who You Are?!
We all suffer from the above emotions beating us up.
When all these emotions are a strength in your back pocket we are in the winners circle of our life.
How to get them back into your back pocket?
Face them head on!
Yes! That's right, take the time to face what is the cause of your anxieties, stresses!
Write them down, put them in their place. That may mean letting go of over commitments, and letting go of doing stuff we were not gifted to do.
How we feel about ourselves is directly related to our anxieties and stresses that are currently in our back pocket trying to take our power away from us.
What needs to change to bring your anxieties and stresses to a level that we can handle?
What builds your confidence?.....Go back and remember the last time you felt confident,
Repeat that!
I call these: "Stones of Remembrance"
Recalling our past victories and failures that is our strength!
So put those in your back pocket.
Pamela Dunn Parrish
Open Lens by Pamela